Last updated: Oct 23, 2024
Confidentiality is required in child care programs to protect the rights of children and families. I will not talk about or share written information, pictures, or any other identifying information about a child or family without the written permission of the family. When information is shared it is based on a need-to-know and is done with the written permission of the family to support decision-making and planning.
I am committed to protecting and upholding the rights and privacy of children and their families. All children will be treated fairly, in a non-discriminatory way, regardless of racial, ethnic, gender, cultural, religious and linguistic background and abilities. All information pertaining to children and their families is maintained in a confidential manner to ensure their privacy is protected. Confidential and private information will be disclosed only with parental consent and only when there is an established "need to know‟. Your child’s information is kept in their confidential file and is available for your review upon request. If you do wish to share your child’s information with other professionals, you will be required to sign a release of information.
It is my intention to respect the privacy of children and their parents and carers, while ensuring that they access high quality care and education.
I aim to ensure that all parents and carers can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children.
I keep two kinds of records on children in my care:
Parents may request access to any records held on their child and family following the procedure below.
The purpose of this Child Protection Policy is to provide a framework that aims to protect children and reduce the risk of child abuse or exploitation.
I agree to:
“It is a child’s right to have privacy, and they should be protected from attacks against their life, family, good name, and homes.”
1. The following guidelines help set clear procedures when photographing, filming, or publicly sharing information about a child
2. I will:
Last updated: Nov 12th, 2023
Update Notes: Reworded "Additional Children" section for clarification. No major changes.
By using my services, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
✷For further explanation, please see the “Notes And Further Explanation” section, after Addendum B.
Family will provide meals/snacks for Childcare Provider during working hours. Family will also pay for Childcare Provider’s meals when dining out with children.
The client can cancel anytime prior to 24 hours before the appointment free of charge. If the client cancels within a 24-13 hour time frame of the appointment start time, a cancellation fee of $25 is charged. If the client cancels within a 12-4 hour time frame of the appointment start time, a cancellation fee of $36 is charged. If the client cancels within a 3-0 hour time frame of the appointment start time, a cancellation fee of either $54 OR the scheduled full rate is charged, whichever amount is lower. These charges are only applied if there are no good reasons for a cancellation. A good reason includes a family emergency, sudden illness, injury, nearby crime, illness, act of God, act of terrorism, or other cause beyond the control of the Family. Examples of something not being good reason would be if the Family just doesn’t feel like going on a date night, or something that the family has control over.
When Family needs Childcare Provider to work overnight due to going out of town or simply needing extra assistance, Childcare Provider will receive an overnight fee of $100 from 10pm until child wakes up in the morning. Hours when the children are awake will be compensated at Childcare Provider’s hourly rate, including applicable overtime. If the children wake during the night, Childcare Provider’s hourly rate will go into effect in addition to the overnight fee.
When traveling with Family, Childcare Provider will receive their regular weekly guaranteed pay and will be paid for every hour worked, including applicable overtime. Hours spent traveling to and from the destination are legally counted as hours worked. Childcare Provider will also receive a daily ‘per diem’ of $50 for each 24-hour period they are required to be away from home. If Childcare Provider is responsible for the children overnight (i.e. has the monitor in their room), Childcare Provider will receive their overnight rate ($100) in addition to the daily per diem. If the children wake during the night, Childcare Provider’s hourly rate will go into effect in addition to their overnight fee. If Childcare Provider is sharing a room with the kids/doesn’t have private accommodations, Childcare Provider will be paid an overnight fee of $100 instead of the daily per diem. All travel-related expenses, including meals, lodging, airfare, and admissions will be covered by the Family.
Family will pay for (in the form of a credit card or petty cash) any and all expenses incurred for mutually agreed upon transportation and childcare activities (including Childcare Provider’s admission costs). If requested, Childcare Provider will provide receipts and invoices for any family money spent. Any expenses over $50 must be pre-approved by Family. If Family does not provide credit card or petty cash, Childcare Provider will not be required to spend more than $20 of their own money per day. If Childcare Provider must pay out of pocket for any job related expenses, Family will reimburse Childcare Provider within 24 hours. If Childcare Provider overdrafts their bank account due to not being reimbursed within 24 hours, Family will pay the overdraft fee. If credit card is provided, Childcare Provider acknowledges that the credit card (“Funds”) provided by the Family are the property of the Family. Childcare Provider agrees to use the Funds only for the purchase of groceries, household supplies, and child expenses consistent with their job duties and for other expenditures expressly authorized by the Family. Childcare Provider agrees not to make any personal purchases with the Funds or to allow any other person to do so. Childcare Provider further agrees to safeguard the Funds and to report any loss or theft of the Funds to the Family immediately.
Childcare Provider will assist with caring for family dog during working hours. Duties include letting dog out as needed and making sure water bowl is full. In the event that a new puppy is added to the home and Childcare Provider is expected to care for and clean up after it, Childcare Provider’s hourly rate will increase by $2 per hour until puppy is fully trained and no longer requires such attentive care.
In the event that an additional child is added to the family, Childcare Provider will receive a raise of no less than 10%. If Family requires Childcare Provider to provide one time childcare to a relative that is not part of the immediate family, Childcare Provider’s hourly pay will increase by $3 per hour per child. If a friend of the Family needs a babysitter and opts to bring their child over for a playdate/childcare, Childcare Provider will charge that parent their normal hourly rate, unless it is a mutually beneficial arrangement where the Childcare Provider also provides “free” or "discounted" childcare from time to time.
Family cannot demand that Childcare Provider drive in unsafe conditions either with or without children. Childcare Provider will make every effort to get to the family home during inclement weather. However, if the city has asked for non-essential vehicles to stay off the road or if one or more parent is not required to go into work, then Childcare Provider will not be required to come in, and will be paid for the day.
If Family is late repeatedly or late without notice and Childcare Provider's consent, Childcare Provider reserves the right to charge a late fee of $1/minute after the scheduled end time, instead of their normal hourly rate. This late fee is implemented at the discretion of the Childcare Provider and is intended for habitual tardiness. Childcare Provider agrees to only implement the late fee after having: 1. Previously discussed the issue with Family and tardiness continues despite that, and 2. Given Family written notice of the date the late fee policy will go into effect.
If Childcare Provider is required to use their own vehicle while working, Family will reimburse Childcare Provider at the current IRS Standard Mileage Rate (57.5 cents per mile) at the end of every week separate from their paycheck. Childcare Provider will keep track of mileage and submit it by the end of the month for reimbursement.
Family will have backup care options in place for times when Childcare Provider is unable to come into work.
Family will provide Childcare Provider with emergency contact information, emergency protocols for health emergencies regarding child or Childcare Provider, and natural disaster/fire protocols. Family will also obtain Childcare Provider’s emergency contact information.
Childcare Provider will not give any medication to children without parents’ prior authorization unless it is an emergency and in coordinance with EMT or training. This includes over the counter and prescription.
Family reserves the right to use cameras in their home. The family will not place cameras in private areas such as bathrooms and Childcare Provider’s bedroom in the home (i.e., for overnights). Family will disclose the use of cameras (both audio and video).
Childcare Provider may not use cell phone in-hand while the vehicle is in motion. This includes, but is not limited to, answering or making phone calls, engaging in phone conversations, reading or responding to emails, instant messages, and text messages. Childcare Provider agrees to use the utmost care and to abide by the law when operating their vehicle or the family vehicle in connection with their employment under this agreement. Childcare Provider agrees to maintain automobile insurance and to refrain from driving in connection with their employment if their auto insurance should lapse. Childcare Provider agrees to inform the Family of any violation of the traffic laws for which they are cited or any collision in which they are involved, whether or not the citation or collision occurs while they are performing their job duties. Violations to this policy will be considered serious and may result in the imposition of discipline up to and including termination.
The Childcare Provider maintains a 360-degree camera in their vehicle that records audio and video 24/7. The camera uses AI to detect parking incidents, such as break-ins, collisions, bumps, accidents, and scratches until the camera battery dies, and also uses AI during drives to detect hard brakes, extreme acceleration, sharp cornering, collisions, forward collision warnings, and other custom events. The camera records in a cycle and records over old files unless the card is removed. This is for the purpose of ensuring the safety of the children, Childcare Provider, vehicle, and anything in the vehicle. The family may request the card be removed to view the files in the presence of the Childcare Provider or to have the files sent to them. The family understands that the camera is designed to record over old files, so old files will be deleted and unretrievable. The family must request the files within 24 hours of the recorded date. Failing to do so risks the footage being automatically deleted and thus unretrievable.
Childcare Provider understands that no information about their location, plans for the day, or pictures of the children should be shared on any social media network without prior approval from Family. Childcare Provider will also not tell strangers to the Family where they are spending the day, unless Family has authorized Childcare Provider to provide such information.
Childcare Provider understands that any and all private information obtained about Family or their dependents during the course of employment, including but not limited to medical, financial, legal, and professional information, are strictly confidential and may not be disclosed to any third party for any reason. In return, Family understands that any and all private information obtained about Childcare Provider or their dependents during the course of employment, including but not limited to medical, financial, legal, and professional information, are strictly confidential and may not be disclosed to any third party for any reason.
Childcare Provider agrees not to attack/criticize employers with identifying information through oral or written word on public forums, blogs, social networks or any other platform at any time during or subsequent to contract period. Family agrees not to attack/criticize Childcare Provider with identifying information through oral or written word on public forums, blogs, social networks, or any other platform at any time during or subsequent to contract period.
If either party wishes to terminate employment without cause, they must give 3 day’s notice and Family must pay out all accrued vacation time. If Family fails to give 3 day’s notice for termination without cause, Family must give equivalent severance. Termination with cause may be immediate. If Family terminates Childcare Provider with cause, they are not required to pay out vacation time or severance. If Childcare Provider gives notice and Family chooses not to have Childcare Provider work their entire notice period, Family will pay equivalent or prorated severance. Reasons Family may terminate Childcare Provider with cause: violates this agreement in any way, misses a day of work without notifying the Family, is repeatedly late to work, lies, steals or is otherwise dishonest to the Family, is convicted of a crime, crosses professional boundaries with Family, drinks alcohol while working, uses illegal drugs at anytime, fails to perform job duties or allows children’s safety to be compromised in any way. Childcare Provider may quit with cause for the following reasons: Family violates this agreement in any way, Family does not pay Childcare Provider in a timely manner, Family lies, steals, or is dishonest to Childcare Provider, an immediate member of the Family is convicted of a crime or does illegal drugs, or if Childcare Provider’s safety and/or personal boundaries are compromised while at work.
The information provided in these notes and explanations are from to further explain the sections included in the agreement.
✷Work Hours: While not legally required, offering guaranteed hours is the industry standard for childcare providers. Guaranteed hours means your Childcare Provider will have consistent income each week, and ensures they will keep their scheduled hours open for your family. They are reserving these hours for you each week (even if only part-time) and cannot simply pick up another job if you don’t need them for a day or a week when you travel. If you do not need your Childcare Provider to work, it’s not fair to tell them to not come in and then not compensate them. If you do not need your Childcare Provider for the full number of scheduled hours in a week and they are willing and able to work, the proper thing to do is to compensate them for their full number of guaranteed hours. Think of it as paying to reserve your Childcare Provider’s time and ensuring your Childcare Provider will not find a new job while you are away. Some parents will let their Childcare Provider go home early from time to time or have a random day off on occasion, if they happen to be home (or grandparents are visiting) and don’t really need the Childcare Provider to be there. This is not to suggest that a Childcare Provider should automatically always get to go home early if you get home early/stay home from work, but keep it in mind if you are able to “surprise” your Childcare Provider with this from time to time. Childcare providers work long hours, so getting off a little early every once in a while really means a lot to a Childcare Provider and helps reduce burnout. Also, it is illegal to ask your Childcare Provider to “bank” hours, which is where unused hours from one pay period are fulfilled in another pay period (a pay period is defined as 7 days, per the FLSA).
✷Regular Pay: It is illegal to not pay an overtime rate of time and a half on anything over 40 hours in a 7-day period. Per the FLSA, Childcare Providers are nonexempt hourly employees and cannot be paid a true salary. A Childcare Provider can report a family to the Department of Labor and sue for unpaid overtime, so it’s not worth the risk. A late fee is added in here because for many Childcare Providers, late payment can become an issue. Just like you, your Childcare Provider budgets and relies on getting paid on time. This is why using a payroll service is highly recommended. When using a Childcare Provider payroll service, parents never have to remember to take out cash or write their Childcare Provider a check or give their Childcare Provider a pay stub. It’s important for a Childcare Provider to receive a pay stub each pay period, because this is their proof of income. Regular pay stubs allow a Childcare Provider to apply for an apartment lease, purchase a car, etc. It is up to you and your Childcare Provider to determine which method and how often they are paid.
✷Overnights: This is because getting paid hourly for all overnight hours would add up quickly, however, the Childcare Provider is still responsible for the children during this time and must be compensated accordingly. A Childcare Provider is not free to leave the home once the kids are asleep, so they are still working. Overnight fees range from $75-$200+ per night or other Childcare Providers may charge half their hourly rate during overnight sleeping hours. However, for infants, most Childcare Providers charge their full hourly rate overnight because infants do not sleep through the night. The reason the flat overnight rate starts at 10pm vs when the children go to bed, is because the Childcare Provider likely has to clean up after the kids go to to bed, prep things for the next day, etc. Furthermore, if a Childcare Provider were working a date night, they would be compensated at their hourly rate until the parents get home, which is usually around 10/11pm. Since a Childcare Provider is giving up their night and unable to be with friends/family, they should be compensated at their hourly rate until they are likely to go to bed (10pm), and then compensated at their overnight rate during sleeping hours. Sometimes parents are shocked at how expensive it is to hire a Childcare Provider to work an overnight, but it’s important to keep in mind that you are asking someone to work 24 hours a day for however many days you are away — it’s very demanding and simply very expensive to have someone work that many hours and be away from their own home, friends/family, pets, et cetera, in order to provide private care for your children around the clock.
✷Travel Compensation: Childcare Providers often charge a travel ‘per diem’ ranging from $25-$100/day. This is sometimes referred to as an “inconvenience fee” because the Childcare Provider is unable to be in the comfort of their own home, with access to their own vehicle, and may have to pay for a pet sitter while they are away. If a Childcare Provider is expected to share a room with the kids, and therefore have no privacy and no space to relax and recharge (i.e., watching some tv in bed before falling asleep or talking on the phone to a loved one before bed, etc.) then the Childcare Provider must be compensated very well, which is why this overnight fee is much higher. Some Childcare Providers charge their full hourly rate 24/7 including applicable overtime, when expected to share a room with the children because with no privacy, it is like the Childcare Provider is working constantly. Keep in mind that some Childcare Providers will not travel unless they have private accommodations, so if you plan to have your Childcare Provider share a room, it’s important to first ask them if they are open to it. Family is responsible to cover meals even when Childcare Provider is off the clock because this is an expense they would not incur if not on a work trip with your family. It’s important to remember that your vacation, is not your Childcare Provider’s vacation. This is a business trip for your Childcare Provider, therefore they must be paid accordingly. Most Childcare Providers report working longer and/or harder hours when traveling with their Childcare Provider family and if it’s a long trip, having to jump right back into their normal workweek upon return. Sometimes this means a Childcare Provider will have worked for 10+ days straight. Parents need to remember that even if they get back from the trip and have to jump right back into work the next day, they are coming back from a relaxing family vacation. Your Childcare Provider is not coming back from a relaxing vacation, but rather a very demanding business trip. Upon returning from a 5+ day trip, offering your Childcare Provider a paid day or two off helps reduce Childcare Provider burnout and lets your Childcare Provider know that you understand they are human and deserve a day or two to recharge.)
✷Reimbursement: If Family requests that Childcare Provider dine out with the children, their meal must be covered by Family. Many families also allow their Childcare Provider to eat out with the children or grab a snack while out at their discretion and cover these costs. It is a good idea to discuss how often is appropriate and practical for your Family. Additionally, some Families give their Childcare Provider a weekly (or monthly) amount that they can spend on activities, outings, meals out, etc. with the children and then approve larger outings on a case by case basis. While it’s not required to give your Childcare Provider a credit card or petty cash, it is highly recommended. It is unfair to expect your Childcare Provider to front the money for job-related expenses. If a Childcare Provider must pay for something with their own money, it is very important they are reimbursed in a timely manner. Oftentimes Childcare Providers are not reimbursed quickly, and they feel uncomfortable bringing this issue up, especially if they need a timely reimbursement due to personal financial reasons. If a Childcare Provider is required to use their own money, they should be the one to determine how much they can afford to spend per day, as notated in this agreement. Again, many Childcare Providers will not feel comfortable discussing this because it’s embarrassing if they are tight on money, so it is highly recommended to never force your Childcare Provider to use their own money.)
✷Pet Care: Pets are members of the family and most Childcare Providers are okay helping out with basic pet care. This does not include cleaning pet crates/cages or any sort of cleaning/washing related to pets. This also does not include taking dogs on long walks or pet sitting overnight. Letting a dog out back in a fenced yard is a task most Childcare Providers are happy to help with, but dog walkers/pet sitters charge good money and many Childcare Providers are dog walkers/pet sitters on the side for extra income. It’s unfair to expect your Childcare Provider to double as your dog walker/pet sitter, without increasing their pay. If you’d like to hire your Childcare Provider as your dog walker or pet sitter because it’s easier than hiring a separate person, see if they are open to it and make sure to compensate them what you would if you hired a separate person to come to your home. Also, if you are adding a puppy to your family and need your Childcare Provider to take on the task of caring for the puppy all day, your Childcare Provider should be given a raise of at minimum, $2/hour. Puppies are incredibly hard work and many Childcare Providers can become resentful if a puppy is added to their workload without proper compensation. Adding $2-$3 per hour to your Childcare Provider’s pay is significantly cheaper than hiring a separate person to care for, train, and clean up after your puppy all day. Some Childcare Providers may not like pets or may be allergic to them, so it’s important to discuss your needs and expectations with your Childcare Provider.)
✷Additional Children: An example of this would be when two sets of parents want to have child-free time together and need the Childcare Provider to provide care for both families’ children, or another child from school needs to come over every Wednesday until their parents can pick them up. The above examples are when a Childcare Provider would charge each family their full hourly rate. Many Childcare Providers are flexible and don’t mind pitching in if a close family friend is in a pinch and needs a few hours of care for their child, especially if it is a give-and-take situation where the Childcare Provider receives the same help when they are in a pinch and needs a few hours to get stuff done. Additionally, most Childcare Providers do not consider a playdate to count as childcare for an additional child, however, playdates should be run past the Childcare Provider before scheduling.)
✷Late Fee: Late fees vary and are implemented at the discretion of the Childcare Provider. This is not meant to penalize a parent who is late every once in a while, this is to prevent habitual tardiness. If your Childcare Provider is repeatedly late to work, it is likely they will lose their job. There is not as much on the line for parents when it comes to being punctual, so unfortunately, many Childcare Providers are taken advantage of by habitually late parents, even if only by 10-15 minutes. Your Childcare Provider makes sure to show up on time every day, so you should show them the same courtesy. Your Childcare Provider relies on getting off at a certain time and plans their life accordingly, so it’s important their time is respected. Please keep in mind that your Childcare Provider’s end time is when they should be walking out the door. If you plan to chat with your Childcare Provider about how the day went and want to go over things to ensure a smooth transition, it is recommended to arrive home between 5-15 minutes before your Childcare Provider’s scheduled end time. Some families may require their Childcare Provider to have flexible hours because they have jobs with unpredictable hours or they simply pay their Childcare Provider very well for their flexibility. In these cases, it is up to the family and the Childcare Provider to decide if and how to implement a late fee.)
✷Mileage: In some states parents are legally obligated to reimburse mileage, so it’s important to check your specific state laws. With that said, even in states where it’s not a legal requirement, it is the industry standard and Childcare Providers should be reimbursed mileage for any job related drives (mileage reimbursement is not income, therefore it is not taxable). It’s important to reimburse using the current IRS rate, instead of just offering a flat rate to cover gas. It’s not just gas that needs to be accounted for, it’s the wear and tear on the vehicle, so that is why the IRS rate is used. Even driving just 5 miles per day adds up ($708.50 per year!), so please do not dismiss reimbursing mileage. if your Childcare Provider does not drive very much. Please also do not take away other benefits because you reimburse mileage. It’s important to remember that mileage reimbursement is not considered a benefit, it is simply reimbursement. It costs your Childcare Provider a lot of money to use their car for work (gas, insurance, car payment, more frequent oil changes, needing new tires more often, etc.) so the fair thing to do is to reimburse them at the full IRS rate. This is not something to nickel and dime and cut corners on. Yes, it adds up and is costly, but to have an employee use their personal car for work, it is going to cost a decent amount of money. Many parents find that for a little bit more than it costs to reimburse mileage, they can purchase an inexpensive Childcare Provider car. This way parents do not have to worry about tracking and reimbursing mileage. Another perk to providing a Childcare Provider car is parents then know for sure the car is in good working condition and safe. For example, when a Childcare Provider uses their own car, parents have no way of knowing that the Childcare Provider will get new tires when needed. A Childcare Provider might put off getting new tires for a little bit, and could be driving the kids around on tires the parents deem unsafe. With a Childcare Provider car, you know everything is up to your standards and your kids are in a car that is well maintained. Many parents opt to purchase a used minivan and find that the monthly car payment and insurance costs, are close to the cost of mileage reimbursement — especially if the Childcare Provider is required to do a lot of driving. Most Childcare Providers prefer a Childcare Provider car because it’s a big sacrifice to use their own car to transport children. Childcare Providers who use their own car have to pretty much always have car seats in the back of their car even during their off hours. Their car gets dirty quicker because of sippy cups, snacks, kids kicking the back of the seat, fingerprints on the windows, etc. Lastly, parents who have a Childcare Provider car then also have a designated kid car for themselves to use when their Childcare Provider is off. This means parents can keep their personal cars clean and kid free, and only have to worry about one car being heavily worn and depreciated by children.
✷Backup Care: It is so important to have backup care in place — and not just one backup care option. Whether it’s relatives you can call in a pinch, or a pool of babysitters — backup care is a necessity. Childcare Providers hate to miss work, as they know how much it inconveniences the family. When parents don’t have backup care, it can often lead to a Childcare Provider feeling frustrated. This is because lack of backup care results in a Childcare Provider feeling guilty for something they shouldn’t feel guilty for. Childcare Providers will miss work from time to time, sometimes unexpectedly (life happens!), and it is the parents’ responsibility to have multiple backup care options in place.)
✷Emergencies: A notarized medical release form is not required but strongly suggested.
Last updated: Nov 12th, 2023
As a childcare provider operating under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, I acknowledge and accept my legal obligation as a mandated reporter to ensure the safety and well-being of the children in my care. This obligation is both a legal requirement and a professional commitment to the welfare of the children entrusted to me.
Pursuant to Virginia Code § 63.2-1509, I am required by law to report any suspected child abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities. This requirement is non-negotiable and carries significant legal consequences for non-compliance, including potential criminal and civil liability, as well as the revocation of childcare-related certifications.
I understand that, as a childcare provider, I am in a unique position to observe and identify potential signs of abuse or neglect. I am fully committed to fulfilling this responsibility with diligence and integrity. I will take appropriate steps to ensure that any suspicions of abuse or neglect are reported promptly and accurately to the Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) or local law enforcement agencies.
When making a report, I will:
I understand that all reports made to the authorities are confidential and that my identity as the reporter is protected by law. Furthermore, the child and their family will not be informed of the source of the report unless required by legal proceedings.
While ensuring compliance with mandated reporting requirements, I also strive to provide a supportive and trusting environment for the children in my care. When appropriate and safe to do so, I may engage in age-appropriate conversations with children to address any concerns or encourage them to share information about situations they believe violate rules or boundaries.
I recognize that my role as a mandated reporter is critical in safeguarding the welfare of children. My actions can significantly impact their safety and well-being, and I take this responsibility seriously. I am committed to adhering to all legal requirements, maintaining the highest standards of care, and acting in the best interests of the children in my care at all times.
This Mandated Reporter Statement is an integral part of my professional practice and reflects my unwavering dedication to protecting children from harm and ensuring their access to the support and resources they need.
Last updated: Nov 23rd, 2024
This policy sets out the position of Maxwell Mandell on the use of on-board incident capture devices (Dash Cams) in vehicles and its effect on passengers.
The primary uses of dash cams are to assist in the Protection and Safety of Persons and Property, Prevention or Detection of Criminal Offenses, Defense of Legal Claims, and Monitoring Passengers.
The following principles apply:
Dash Cams are set up in a way that ensures that there is minimal intrusion of privacy.
No images and information will be stored except where a relevant incident (event) has occurred. If an event occurs, the client will be notified and footage will be shared with them. Dash Cams only retain up to 5 minutes of the incident (event). However, it is possible to review up to 50 hours of video if deemed necessary to determine fault in the case of a complaint, citation, or incident that did not get saved as an Event.
The Dash Cam cannot be remotely viewed in real-time. However, there is a Live view feature on each camera.
When relevant to do so, Dash Cam footage may be retained and used for business promotions. I will seek the family’s consent if I wish to use it for this purpose. If consent is approved, a Minor Release Form will be signed by the parent(s)/guardian(s) for all passengers under 18. Passengers 18 or older will sign their own Release Form. All identifiable aspects of dash cam footage, such that regard location or names, will be removed when used for business promotions.
Recorded images and information will be subject to appropriate security measures to safeguard against unauthorized access and use.
Access is approved on an incident-by-incident basis. Once access is approved by the Designated Responsible Person, recorded footage can be reviewed (not deleted or amended) by:
Statutory bodies such as police
Any other person with interest must obtain authority from the Designated Responsible Person to view recorded footage, providing reasons and justification. Any persons whose images are recorded have a right to view those images, and to be provided with a copy of those images, within one month of making a written Subject Access Request. Availability of images will be subject to the retention period. Clients making such a request should do so in writing, providing the relevant time and date of the image, so that they may be easily identifiable. The request should be made to [Maxwell Mandell /] .
As stated, the primary uses of Dash Cams are to assist in the Protection and Safety of Persons and Property, Prevention or Detection of Criminal Offenses, Defense of Legal Claims and Driver Training. However, dash cams are likely to capture pictures of passengers.
Under appropriate circumstances, the footage may be provided to Police (or other Competent Authority) with the intention to prosecute for criminal offenses. In defense of legal claims, or in pursuance of civil recovery, footage may also be provided to my legal representatives with the intention of providing evidence before the courts.
Where an incident involves a third party, the relevant insurers will be informed of the details. Although the third party may be made aware that there is recorded evidence in the form of Dash Cam footage, a copy of the recorded material can only be obtained if requested by the subject themselves. Third Parties should also be aware that under appropriate circumstances, the footage may be provided to Police (or other Competent Authority) with the intention to prosecute for criminal offenses. In defense of legal claims, or in pursuance of civil recovery, footage may also be provided to my legal representatives with the intention of providing evidence before the courts.
This policy will be regularly reviewed, or sooner if there is a policy need or legislative change.
If a media release form has been signed, for promotional uses, Maxwell Mandell can retrieve and archive the videos found on the incident capture devices (dash cams) for future business promotions. Notification of the family is only required when an "event" occurs. Terms of the media release form are still applicable to these videos. These terms include:
“It is a child’s right to have privacy, and they should be protected from attacks against their life, family, good name, and homes.”
The following guidelines help set clear procedures when photographing, filming, or publicly sharing information about a child:
Obtain informed consent from the child and parents/guardians before photographing or filming a child.
Explain to parents/guardians the purpose of collecting and distributing such media.
Allow parents/guardians to change their mind and withdraw their consent at any time if they so choose.
Ensure that any written content, photographs, and video footage of the child is dignified and respectful in nature, and does not place the child in a vulnerable, submissive, or embarrassing position.
Ensure images and/or video footage accurately represent the context and the facts of the story surrounding the child.
Ensure that identifiable information (e.g. locations, personal information, etc.) about the child or their family is not shared in any written, audible, or visual content.
Other photos and videos retained and used for business promotions would be shared with the families prior to publication.
Last updated: Dec 10th, 2024
These terms and conditions govern the use of the Teen Childcare Apprentice network facilitated by Maxwell Mandell. By accessing or using this network, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. The Teen Childcare Apprentice (TCA) Program is designed for teens who were once under my care and are now eager to learn the skills and responsibilities of providing childcare themselves. This program not only nurtures their interest in childcare but also offers participating families an additional layer of trusted support.
I will not share identifying information of the Teen Childcare Apprentices with hiring families without the explicit consent of the Teen Apprentices' parents or legal guardians.
Information, in which that is already consented to be shared with hiring families, may include:
Hiring families are responsible for verifying the information provided by the Teen Childcare Apprentices and assessing their suitability for the childcare needs of their family.
I act solely as a facilitator connecting hiring families with Teen Childcare Apprentices. I do not assume any liability for the actions or conduct of the Teen Childcare Apprentices. Hiring families agree to hold Maxwell Mandell harmless from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from their interactions with Teen Childcare Apprentices.
Hiring families agree to indemnify and hold Maxwell Mandell, its agents, and affiliates, harmless from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from their use of the Teen Childcare Apprentice network.
I reserve the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Continued use of the Teen Childcare Apprentice network after any such changes constitutes acceptance of the modified terms and conditions
These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Albemarle County, Virginia.